Ron DeSantis Follows Through on Taking Action Against Schools That Target Children

Ron DeSantis Follows Through on Taking Action Against Schools Who Target Children

( – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced he would punish schools forcing children to wear masks or face coverings. The governor laid serious consequences on the table for institutions who fail to adhere to the law. Now, he’s following through on his promise by taking action.

As of now, two public school districts in the Sunshine State face sanctions. Authorities have yet to specify associated punishments. The Florida Board of Education said they would hand down a decision on that matter at a later date, should schools continue to mandate face coverings.

Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran said the schools’ administrators may have good intentions, but many aren’t following the law. He also insisted they follow regulations whether they agree with them or not.

In July, DeSantis signed an executive order making face coverings optional in public schools amid the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new mask guidelines. That particular instruction recommends the use of masks regardless of vaccine status.

The governor feels the federal government should not have the power to tell parents that their children can’t attend school if they don’t mask up. He also believes children have suffered from consequences of long-term mask mandate policies over time.

Both Alachua and Broward counties could face sanctions as a result of the governor’s decision. In fact, Board of Education chairman Tom Grady says school officials could lose their salaries or even their jobs. Miami-Dade, the largest district in the state, is also considering mandating masks as of August 18.

Arizona recently took a similar stance when Governor Doug Ducey admitted safety recommendations are welcome in the state, but policies increasing stress on students and parents are not. Ducey also threatened to withhold funds from schools that refuse to adhere to his policy, demanding they overturn mandates within 10 days if they want to receive grants of $1,800 per student through the area’s $163 million grant program.

Will even more states follow suit?

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