(UnitedReader.com) – Despite the new year beginning a little over two weeks ago, the world seems to have gotten off to a busy start. North Korea has been especially busy as it continues to defy the United States. Despite sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the communist country continues to proceed with its agenda.
For the third time in two weeks, North Korea launched two more short-range ballistic missiles. The launch came just hours after US officials urged more sanctions against the regime due to previous launches.
JUST IN: North Korea fires two more missiles, calls US sanctions a "provocation" https://t.co/dFN3bRmacn pic.twitter.com/PC55D2SEqm
— The Hill (@thehill) January 14, 2022
The Joint Chiefs of Staff for South Korea announced that the North Pyongan Province detected what officials believed were two missiles. A Japanese Defense Ministry official claimed the DPRK launched a short-range missile into Japan’s exclusive economic zone. Another launch report came from the Japanese Coast Guard.
North Korea criticized sanctions the US had imposed just before its launch. Could the missile have been a symbol of defiance, perhaps perseverance?
In response to the January 14 launch, the US Indo-Pacific Command issued a statement condemning the action. They admitted the missile launch wasn’t a direct threat to the United States, its territories or allies but asserted the move further destabilizes the situation.
The US government was part of a joint statement with the United Kingdom, France, Albania, Japan and Ireland to criticize North Korea’s missile launch. The joint statement also urged the country to stop conducting additional destabilizing actions and engage in meaningful diplomacy to reach the ultimate goal of DPRK’s denuclearization.
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