Joe Biden Responds to Claims About His Brain Health

Joe Biden Responds to Claims About His Brain Health

( – Before Biden became President of the United States, he was on the campaign trail. Then-President Donald Trump brought attention to the mental state of Biden, questioning whether his opponent was fit to run the country. Since his win against Trump, Biden has had several moments of incoherence, leading Americans to wonder if he’s mentally capable of being the president. Biden is finally responding to these concerns.

James Rosen, White House correspondent for Newsmax, brought the information forward during Biden’s first press conference in months. Rosen cited a Politico/Morning Consult poll that found almost half of American voters believe Biden isn’t mentally fit. The Newsmax reporter then asked if the president knew why people thought he wasn’t mentally fit. Biden didn’t have much to say.

The president interrupted Rosen, asserting he’d let the reporters make the judgment on his cognitive fitness. The reporter urged Biden to let him finish the question, which he did. The president continued by saying he had no idea why a large portion of the American public believed his mental fitness was inadequate.

Biden’s mental fitness isn’t the only issue on the mind of Americans. The public also believes that the president failed his first year as leader of the free world, according to the same poll released earlier this week; and reported on by many news outlets.

Do you believe Biden is capable of effectively running the country?

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