Joe Biden Polling Numbers Reach New Lowest

Joe Biden Polling Numbers Reach New Lowest

( – President Biden has seen his approval steadily decline over the past few months. The president once averaged a nearly 56% approval rating, according to RealClear Politics, but following his poorly planned withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, his numbers have suffered. Now, not even a year into his presidency, his figures have plummeted to an all-time low.

A recent poll that Trafalgar Group published on December 1 shows that President Biden’s rating has dropped to 36.3%. While 4.6% of people who responded stated they didn’t have an opinion of Biden’s job approval, an astonishing 59.1% disapproved of the president.

Unsurprisingly, 89.7% of Republicans disapproved of Biden’s performance, while another 8.2% approved. Biden fared better among Democrats, with 65% approving of the job he’s doing, and only 31% disapproving. The Trafalgar Group conducted their poll between November 26 and 29 with a margin of error of 2.98 points.

Even Rasmussen Reports, a right-leaning pollster, has Biden’s approval rating higher than Trafalgar Group’s, at 43%. Interestingly, Quinnipiac, which often favors Democrats, has Biden’s approval rating at 38%.

These numbers are troubling, especially for Democrats, as the President’s approval rating closely resembles their party’s performance. For those seeking re-election in the midterms, the numbers are even more troubling as, similarly, the president’s approval rating tends to predict how well a party does in elections. President Biden’s constant decline in the polls indicates a failing administration, one even Democrats are beginning to disapprove of, and that’s a problem for Biden.

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