Food Network Star To Take Stand In Trial For Killing Her Foster Child
(UnitedReader.com) – In January 2021, a 3-year-old girl died after sustaining severe physical abuse. Authorities arrested and charged two people with homicide following the child’s death. Now, one of them, a former contestant on Food Network’s “Worst Cooks in America,” stands trial for killing their foster child.
Food Network contestant accused of killing foster daughter reportedly says she will take stand in trialhttps://t.co/jQeQzHxCJV
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 11, 2022
Authorities arrested both 30-year-old Ariel Robinson, the Food Network contestant and foster mother, and her husband, Jerry “Austin” Robinson, 35, in connection with the death of 3-year-old Victoria Rose Smith. Fox News reported the husband pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting homicide via the abuse of a child.
According to FOX Carolina, Mrs. Robinson took the stand to testify in her own defense. During her testimony, Robinson claimed Smith was a “perfect child” and a “mini-me.” Her attorney asked about her statement to police that the girl’s 7-year-old brother had inflicted the beating, and Robinson replied she didn’t believe the injuries came from a child and that she was trying to help authorities. Nevertheless, she didn’t say her husband was responsible for the girl’s injuries, though she did admit it looked more like an adult caused them.
Robinson was a contestant on “Worst Cooks in America,” where she received $25,000 after winning the show in its 20th season. Mr. Robinson testified that Smith and her brother moved in with them about two weeks after Mrs. Robinson returned from her appearance on the show. He mentioned how angry his wife would get over Smith’s eating habits, punishing the child with various belts or a wooden paddle.
Who is the guilty party? The husband or the wife?
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