Millions Forced To Curb Water Use In Democrat-Controlled State
(UnitedReader.com) – California is subject to droughts, and in times of stress, its only option is to limit residents’ water use. As the Golden State enters a third consecutive year of drought, authorities have no choice but to implement restrictions. This round is unprecedented and by far the most radical to date.
The conservation rules, among the strictest ever imposed in the state, were set by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, one of the largest water distributors in the country. https://t.co/mwOAGY8qNV
— NBC 7 San Diego (@nbcsandiego) June 2, 2022
More than six million residents in Southern California will only be allowed to water their lawns once a week under the new constraints. One of America’s largest water distributors, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC) put the restrictions into effect on June 1. The MWDSC’s goal is to reduce water consumption by 35%.
Two of the state’s largest water reservoirs are already at dangerously low levels along with a reduced snowpack. California experienced its driest January, February, and March ever in 2022. Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of MWDSC, told CNBC it was “a wake-up call,” asserting the state wouldn’t have enough water to make it through the year if California didn’t make drastic changes.
Additionally, the West Coast has experienced two decades of its driest conditions in nearly 1,200 years. There’s no sign of conditions improving through 2022, with the likelihood that shortages will continue for years to come. While landscape watering accounts for almost half of the consumption in California slashing outdoor water usage is the most effective way to conserve during the summer months.
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